69 research outputs found

    Das Vierfarbenspiel

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    Es wird ein Spiel bestehend aus 15 Farbscheiben vorgestellt, bei dem verschiedene Aufgaben zu lösen sind, welche die Eigenschaften einer wohlbekannten Struktur der endlichen Geometrie widerspiegeln. Dabei sind keinerlei Kenntnisse des mathematischen Hintergrunds notwendig

    Impact of the introduction of decoupled payments on functioning of the German land market: Country report of the EU tender Study on the functioning of land markets in those EU member states influenced by measures applied under the Common Agricultura

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    Against the background of the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) in 2003 the following analysis, brings into focus the responses of the agricultural sector to decoupled subsidies. In particular it addresses the impact of the Single Payment Scheme (SPS) on land sales and rent prices and therefore on farm structure. It also aims to assess the extent to which the reform advances sound and sustainable agriculture and provides incentives for marketorientated farming practices. The study is based on the analysis of statistical data and expert surveys conducted in three selected regions. -- G E R M A N V E R S I O N: Die vorliegende Studie untersucht den Einfluss der 2003 im Zuge der Reform der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (GAP) durchgeführten Entkopplung der Direktzahlungen auf den Agrarsektor in Deutschland. Besonderer Fokus der Analyse liegt auf der Auswirkung der einmaligen Zahlungen auf die Kauf- und Pachtpreise für das landwirtschaftlich genutzte Land. Des Weiteren wird die Förderung einer nachhaltigen und marktorientierten Landwirtschaft durch die GAP-Reform bewertet. Die Untersuchung basiert auf Auswertung statistischer Daten und auf Expertenbefragungen, welche in drei ausgewählten Bundesländern durchgeführt wurden.Land markets,midterm review,CAP,structural change,Bodenmärkte,Halbzeitbewertung,GAP,Strukturwandel

    How can an agri-environmental scheme be designed for farmland bird protection, and what does it mean for the CAP 2023–2027?

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    Biodiversity loss is recognized as a major global threat. The European Commission has addressed this issue with vigour in its current strategy papers. Farmland birds, such as the lapwing (Vanellus vanellus), whose population has been rapidly declining in Germany, have been particularly affected. To date, the European Union has tried to tackle the problem of biodiversity loss mainly with voluntary agri-environmental schemes (AESs), which are financed by the European Agricultural Fund for Rural Development (EAFRD). However, only a small fraction of agricultural land is enrolled in such programs. We identify the possible drivers and inhibitors of farmers’ acceptance of a potential AES that, if introduced, could contribute to lapwing conservation. Our analysis is based on a discrete choice experiment conducted with 252 arable farmers in Germany. The results suggest that scheme attributes tied with EAFRD compliance, i.e., a minimum participation period of five years and the nature of the relevant sanctions regime, reduce farmers’ potential acceptance of the proposed AES. Furthermore, farmers and farm characteristics have an influence on preferences for specific AES attributes. Finally, this article outlines how the identified weaknesses of AES may be addressed in the new “Green Architecture” of the Common Agricultural Policy 2023–2027

    Short-circuit mechanical effects on outdoor HV substations with wide bundling.

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    peer reviewedThis paper presents results of a research project investigating the mechanical effects of short-circuit currents in high-voltage substations with conductor bundles. The experimental part was performed on two set-ups, called "100 kV arrangement" and "400 kV arrangement". Those two set-ups differed in the height of the crossarm, the phase-to-phase distance and the conductor sag. Additional parameters which were varied in the course of the experiments included the level and duration of the short-circuit current, the type and number of the spacers used and the bundle spacing. Various forces in the flexible busbar and the supporting structure were recorded during the tests and the stiffness as well as the eigenfrequency of the portals used for supporting the conductors were determined. The test results were evaluated with respect to the maxima of the pinch force, the tensile force and the drop force. They are presented and compared with existing assumptions and calculation methods. The results of this project shall enable IEC standardization committees and CIGRE working groups to carry on with their intended studies and establish a comprehensive method of calculating the mechanical effects in substations with bundle conductors

    Comparing Sentinel-1 and -2 Data and Indices for Agricultural Land Use Monitoring

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    Agricultural vegetation development and harvest date monitoring over large areas requires frequent remote sensing observations. In regions with persistent cloud coverage during the vegetation season this is only feasible with active systems, such as SAR, and is limited for optical data. To date, optical remote sensing vegetation indices are more frequently used to monitor agricultural vegetation status because they are easily processed, and the characteristics are widely known. This study evaluated the correlations of three Sentinel-2 optical indices with Sentinel-1 SAR indices over agricultural areas to gain knowledge about their relationship. We compared Sentinel-2 Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, Normalized Difference Water Index, and Plant Senescence Radiation Index with Sentinel-1 SAR VV and VH backscatter, VH/VV ratio, and Sentinel-1 Radar Vegetation Index. The study was conducted on 22 test sites covering approximately 35,000 ha of four different main European agricultural land use types, namely grassland, maize, spring barley, and winter wheat, in Lower Saxony, Germany, in 2018. We investigated the relationship between Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2 indices for each land use type considering three phenophases (growing, green, senescence). The strength of the correlations of optical and SAR indices differed among land use type and phenophase. There was no generic correlation between optical and SAR indices in our study. However, when the data were split by land use types and phenophases, the correlations increased remarkably. Overall, the highest correlations were found for the Radar Vegetation Index and VH backscatter. Correlations for grassland were lower than for the other land use types. Adding auxiliary data to a multiple linear regression analysis revealed that, in addition to land use type and phenophase information, the lower quartile and median SAR values per field, and a spatial variable, improved the models. Other auxiliary data retrieved from a digital elevation model, Sentinel-1 orbit direction, soil type information, and other SAR values had minor impacts on the model performance. In conclusion, despite the different nature of the signal generation, there were distinct relationships between optical and SAR indices which were independent of environmental variables but could be stratified by land use type and phenophase. These relationships showed similar patterns across different test sites. However, a regional clustering of landscapes would significantly improve the relationships


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    The chiral title compound, C22H35NO5SSi, is a precursor of novel furan­omycin derivatives. It crystallizes with two molecules in the asymmetric unit; these show different conformations of the silyl substitutent, as indicated by the Si—O—C—C torsion angles of 41.4 (7) and −84.5 (5)° in the two mol­ecules. The anti configuration of the adjacent stereogenic centers is consistent with the Felkin–Anh model. Each of the two crystallographically independent mol­ecules is connected with a neighbouring mol­ecule of the same type via two symmetry-equivalent O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    The Wellesley News (02-09-1967)

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    Erfassung, Bewertung und Minderung von Treibhausgasemissionen des deutschen Agrar- und Ernährungssektors: Studie im Auftrag des Bundesministeriums für Ernährung, Landwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz

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    In dieser Studie werden Treibhausgasemissionen (THG) aus der deutschen Agrar- und Ernährungswirtschaft analysiert und Möglichkeiten zu ihrer Reduzierung erörtert. Darüber hinaus wird die Eignung von Ökobilanzen für die Bewertung von Produktionsverfahren und Produkten untersucht. In Kapitel 2 werden theoretische Grundlagen für die Umsetzung von Klimaschutzpolitiken erörtert. Als Bilanzierungs- und Analysemethoden werden die Emissionsberichterstattung, die umweltökonomischen Gesamtrechnungen, Ökobilanzen (Life Cycle Assessment) und Carbon Footprints vorgestellt. Es folgt in Kapitel 3 eine Analyse der THG-Emissionen des deutschen Agrar- und Ernährungssektors nach Quellgruppen der Klimaberichterstattung sowie in Bezug auf Produktionsprozesse und erzeugte Agrargüter. Anschließend wird in Kapitel 4 der Stand des Wissens zu kumulierten THG-Emissionen der Ernährungswirtschaft bis hin zum Konsum dargestellt. In Kapitel 5 wird eine Übersicht über mögliche technische und organisatorische Maßnahmen zur Verringerung von THG-Emissionen im Agrarsektor sowie Optionen für das individuelle Verbraucherverhalten gegeben. Erste Hinweise, wie die Politik die Realisierung wirksamer Klimaschutzmaßnahmen unterstützen kann, werden in Kapitel 6 vorgestellt. Als Klimaschutzmaßnahmen im Bereich Landwirtschaft und Landnutzung werden die Verbesserung der Stickstoffausnutzung, die Verwendung von Gülle in Biogasanlagen, die Beschränkung der Umwandlung von Grünland in Ackerland und die Renaturierung von Niedermooren hervorgehoben. Im Bereich Ernährung und Verbraucherverhalten sollte der Wissenstransfer im Mittelpunkt stehen. Produktspezifische Klima-Labels für Lebensmittel werden als ungeeignet angesehen. Bezüglich der Politiken zur Förderung der Bioenergie wird eine Ausrichtung auf Technologien mit den kostengünstigsten Klimaschutzbeiträgen empfohlen. Die Studie schließt mit einem kurzen Ausblick auf die zukünftige Forschungsarbeit des vTI im Bereich Klimaschutz und Ökobilanzierung. -- This study addresses the emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) from the German agri-food sector, and options for mitigation. Further, the suitability of eco-balances for valuation of processes and products is explored. Chapter 2 refers to the theoretical basis of climate protection, and, as tools for analysis, GHG accounting, the System of Integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting (SEEA), eco-balances (Life Cycle Analysis) and carbon footprints are presented. In chapter 3, agricultural GHG emissions are analysed by GHG sources, processes and food products, and in chapter 4 the state of knowledge of emissions stemming from food processing, retail and households is portrayed. Chapter 5 introduces to technical and organisational mitigation options in agriculture and regarding consumer decisions. First hints how policy might support GHG mitigation are presented in chapter 6. The study closes with an outlook on future research activities of vTI in the area of climate protection and eco-balancing.Klimawandel,Treibhausgase,Landwirtschaft,Kohlenstoff Fußabdruck,Climate Change,Greenhouse gases,Agriculture,Carbon footprint

    The Basel-Gasfabrik research project: Addressing complex topics by an integrative approach

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    The late La Tène period site of Basel-Gasfabrik has been under investigation for more than a century. During that time, the unfortified settlement with its two cemeteries has yielded huge amounts of everyday and exceptional objects and features. Beginning in the mid-1970s, samples were systematically collected for scientific analyses during ongoing excavations, thus producing ideal preconditions for interdisciplinary research. In 2011-2014, the international research project “Approaching the living via the dead: human remains from the Late La Tène site Basel-Gasfabrik and their cultural-historical interpretations” addressed the multifarious ways in which the Iron Age community handled their deceased. The intense collaboration involved researchers from the Archäologische Bodenforschung Basel-Stadt and the universities of Basel (CH), Mainz and Freiburg i.Br. (D) and spanned eight disciplines: archaeology, archeoanthropology, archaeobotany, archaeozoology, geoarchaeology, biogeochemistry, molecular genetics and statistics. Research topics and theoretical frameworks were developed jointly as well as procedures to combine the disciplinary results in multistage processes in order to generate integrative syntheses of novel insights. The challenges and specific research potentials of the integrative approach may serve as a positive example for future interdisciplinary research project